Coupled with the layout system, the Createq color palette supports and complements a diversity between creativity and technology. A considered system of secondary tones adds depth and hierarchy. Together with the primary palette, it forms a key part of the Createq identity.
Black: #000000 CMYK: 0,0,0,100 Pantone:
Color: #BFA8EE CMYK: 22,28,0,0 Pantone:
Light Grey: #E9EDEE CMYK: 7,4,3,0 Pantone:
Yellow: #FFFF01 CMYK: 3,0,86,0 Pantone:
Color: #BFA8EE CMYK: 22,28,0,0 Pantone:
Color: #D7C3FE CMYK: 16,18,0,0 Pantone:
Color: #E7DBFF CMYK: 9,10,0,0 Pantone:
Color: #FFBACD CMYK: 0,28,10,0 Pantone:
Color: #98FCD6 CMYK: 45,0,19,0 Pantone:
Color: #6AF2FF CMYK: 44,0,2,0 Pantone:
Color: #E9EDEE CMYK: 7,4,3,0 Pantone:
Color: #CCD1D7 CMYK: 18,10,8,0 Pantone:
Color: #929EAC CMYK: 41,24,14,3 Pantone:
Color: #5F657D CMYK: 60,42,25,10 Pantone: